Ecological Chemistry and Engineering Society

Making the science greener...

Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S (ECE S)


Impact Factor(2023) – 2.5

(WOS, 2008 – )

The quarterly Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to the publishing of original scientific papers, review articles, professional papers, case reports and varia (professional information, book reviews, etc.).
It is pertinent to describe methods determining quality of air, water, soils and food.

Many papers published are on monitoring and biomonitoring of an environment and on transfer of pollutants (eg heavy metals or radionuclides) from soil to plants. Some Authors consider impact of environment pollution on food and human health.
Some papers describe models of pollutant spreading in air or within soil. Others are devoted to various technologies to prevent or minimize industrial pollution, as well as to remediation techniques.
Papers on renewable energy sources are also very welcome.

ECE S  Editors


Maria WACŁAWEK, University of Opole, Opole, PL

Editorial Advisory Board
Jerzy BARTNICKI, Meteorological Institute – DNMI, Oslo-Blindern, NO
Bogusław BUSZEWSKI, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, PL
Jan KŘÍŽ, University of Hradec Kralove, Hradec Králové, CZ
Nelson MARMIROLI, University, Parma, IT
Lucjan PAWŁOWSKI, Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, PL

Section Editors

Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Jíri ŠEVCIK, Charles University, Prague, CZ

Environmental Engineering and Management
Ewa LIWARSKA-BIZUKOJĆ, Lodz University of Technology, Łódź, PL
Sang-Bing TSAI, Zhongshan Institute, UESTC, Chengdu, CN
Stanisław WACŁAWEK, Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, CZ

Heavy Metals and Radionuclides in the Environment
Marina V. FRONTASYEVA, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, RU
Manfred SAGER, Agency for Health and Food Safety, Vienna, AT

Monitoring and Biomonitoring
Bernd MARKERT, EISN-Institute, Haren/Ems, DE
Małgorzata RAJFUR, University of Opole, Opole, PL
Mark R.D. SEAWARD, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK

Environmental Toxicology
Alena ŠEVCŮ, Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, CZ

Nanomaterials, Green Chemistry and Energy Production
Miroslav ČERNÍK, Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, CZ
Maria WACŁAWEK, University of Opole, Opole, PL

Computational Techniques

Zhihan LV, Haier IoC Research Institute, Qingdao, CN
Ayyasamy RAJARAM, E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, IN

Language Editors
Krzysztof J. RUDZIŃSKI, Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS, Warszawa, PL

Technical Editor
Zdzisława TASARZ, Czestochowa University of Technology, Częstochowa, PL

Małgorzata Rajfur, phone +48 77 401 60 42, email:

Copyright © by

Society of Ecological Chemistry and Engineering

ISSN 1898-6196
ISSN 2084-4549 (Online)

The primary version of the journal is the online one

Wydanie czasopisma jest dofinansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki na podstawie umowy nr RCN/SN/0194/2021 w ramach programu: Rozwój czasopism naukowych

The publication of the journal is co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science, Warszawa, under the contract No. RCN/SN/0194/2021 under the program Development of scientific journals

Each publication is evaluated by at least two independent Reviewers from outside of the unit.


Manuscripts should be submitted by the Editorial System (please click the image bellow):


Before submission please read carefully ECE S guide for authors (available also in Polish language).

Before sending to the reviewers, the manuscripts will be initially assessed:

  1. first page appearance (according to the ECE S Guide for Authors) e.g title length, corresponding author (The Editors encourage authors to use an official ECE S template).
  2. literature and citations in text (have to be made according to the ECE S guide for authors).
  3. relevance of the literature (recent and on topic; not more than 15% of auto-citations; DOI/ISBN should be added).
  4. symbols, figures and equations (SI, appropriate brackets, appropriate symbols in italic, instructions concerning figures and tables can be found in the official ECE S template etc). 
  5. paper length (10-15 pages, formatted according to the official ECE S template).

If these requirements will not be realised, the manuscript will be immediately rejected.

For references we are highly encouraging you to use Mendeley or Zotero, free reference managers that will inter alia automatically create bibliographies in a proper style and make citations in the text. The citation style required for all ECE Society journals you can find here, and its installation guide here.

Journal of Ecological Chemistry and Engineering Society (ECE S) is an open access journal. To publish in it, authors are required to pay an article processing charge – €400 (or 1500 PLN).

After printing, the copyright of the paper is transferred to Society for Ecological Chemistry and Engineering (Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej).

Invitation for subscription

You are welcome to subscribe printed ECE S issues. Your order will be realized immediately after your payment is made to:

Account in the Bank ING BSK O/Opole
IBAN: PL65 1050 1504 1000 0005 0044 3825
Owner: Towarzystwo Chemii I Inżynierii Ekologicznej
(Society of Ecological Chemistry and Engineering)

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Articles in ECE S