Pollutants in the environment
We have the honour to invite you to take part in the 34th annual Central European Conference ECOpole’ 25, which will be held in October 2025.
The Conference Programme includes oral presentations and posters and will be divided into five sections:
- SI Chemical Pollution of Natural Environment and its Monitoring
- SII Achievements of biologists and ecologists
- SIII Environment-Friendly Production and Use of Energy
- SIV Forum of Young Scientists and Environmental Education in Science
- SV Impact of Environment Pollution on Food and Human Health
Each year, we organize a Forum of Young Scientists – a special Session with a debate on ecological problems in their countries with Competitions for the best Presentations and Posters. We invite young people to take part in it! We reduce the Conference fee for the young scientists.
The deadline for sending the Abstracts (0.5 page in A4 paper sheet format) is 31st July 2025.
The Conference language is English.
At the Reception Desk, each participant will obtain abstracts of the Conference contributions as well as the Conference Programme recorded on electronic media (the Programme will also be published on the Conference website).
After the ECOpole’ 25 Conference, it will be possible to publish an electronic version of the contributions presented (oral presentations as well as posters) on the website.
Please see what happened at the last edition, check the tab in the main manu “ECOPOLE’24”. We also encourage you to check out the photo gallery of previous editions, which you will find under “ECOPOLE CONFERENCE SERIES”: https://ecesociety.com/ecopole-conference-series-2/.
Further information is available from:
Stanisław Wacławek
Chairman of the Organising Committee
of ECOpole’ 25 Conference
Dr hab. Stanisław Wacławek, Assoc. Prof. Head of the Environmental Chemistry Department The Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technology and Innovation |
and mrajfur@o2.pl
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